‘Voicing CSA’ is a streamline operation. To concentrate on what matters. It is a team of people dedicated to empower survivors to speak and to be listened to and to find the proper channels to help them in recovery.
It is the opinion of Voicing CSA that the inquiry needs to reach the largest number of survivors/victims as possible and that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to educate, change the culture around CSA and lead to greater prevention in the future. There will be no redefined or reconstituted inquiry in a handful of years or decades. No second chances.
The stance of Voicing CSA is to share that message with as many survivors/victims and where possible encourage them to engage with the IICSA. In addition to seeking an appropriate support network for those that need it. That does not mean to say that there are necessarily no questions that can be asked about the process.
The Truth Project must reach those who may be the most vulnerable and isolated, including those that could be in prison, a mental health institution or homeless. In moving forward voluntary groups such as ‘Voicing CSA’ will formulate ways to create an engagement between these groups and more with the IICSA.
What we aim to achieve
Voicing CSA will campaign and support the IICSA to find solutions, justice and a safer environment for the future.
Voicing CSA has the support of those who share those views and intend remain true to the original vision.
The founders of Voicing CSA are Phillip Lafferty and Nigel Thompson (17/10/1967-06/01/2017) R.I.P. In November 2015, after a meeting with the IICSA it became apparent that the Inquiry needed to happen and that victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse needed to find their voice and engage with the Inquiry which is why Voicing CSA was formed.
The philosophy of Voicing CSA is best summarized by Phillip’s announcement at the time that ‘we have the inquiry and we must engage with the inquiry for the sake of survivors and the protection of children in the future’.
Our opinion since the Independent inquiry into child sexual abuse was launched is to have an overarching inquiry in which all survivors and victims could engage. That is what Voicing CSA stands for.
Those who wish to get to the truth, those who wish to find justice and want to make the future better and safer for the children of tomorrow must work with the inquiry and not seek ways to undermine it.
Follow us
For those who wish to keep up to date and support Voicing CSA please visit this site regularly and for Twitter followers our organisation can be found at @voicing_csa.