Voicing CSA is incorporated as a Community Interest Company.
As of 12th March 2016 Voicing CSA has been incorporated as a Community Interest Company (CIC). The Directors are named as Phillip Lafferty & Nigel Thompson. The Company Number is 10059644. The company has adopted the acronym VCSA which in any communications using the acronym, VCSA will be deemed to mean Voicing CSA.
Phillip Lafferty was duly named as Chairman of Voicing CSA CIC.
On receiving the Certificate of Incorporation on Tuesday 15th March 2016, Phillip Lafferty said ‘This is a momentous day for Voicing CSA and a landmark moment but we have no time to rest as we must now open the bank account with the Cooperative Bank, chosen for its ethical stance and I like organisations that are ethical, like ourselves.’